2023.04.04 ♡亀大学♡
皆さん、アロ~ハ!私が心の底から愛している亀吉 ツアーに行って参りました。超ハッピーハッピー♡ このところ少し波は荒いけど、それも又、自然のジェ ットコースターだわ~!イエーイ♡ 亀吉ちゃん達は、…
2023.03.24 初心者にも安心のカメ大学
本日のカメ大学の様子です。 鯨の潮吹きを遠くに見た後は、沢山のウミガメとシュノーケリング。ワイキキからすぐの場所にこんなに沢山ウミガメが生息してるのー???ってくらい沢山のウミガメと一緒に泳ぐことが…
2021.07.11 ワイキキカメ大学での
7月より開催スタートしたカメ大学。 只今英語ツアーにて毎日元気に再開しています♪ 現在のカメ大学はマリンアクティビティーはございませんが、 ワイキキ沖をクルーズしながら美しい風景とシュノーケルを堪能…
2020.03.19 カメ大学
アロハ、 今日のカメ大学はとてもラッキー!! 港を出てすぐにイルカ先生の大群に遭遇。 船のとても近くまできて挨拶出来ましたね! カメさんとたくさんお魚さんにも会い、 トランポリンなどアクテビティも楽…
2020.03.15 カメ大学
アロハ、 Today we had a smaller group of guests but nonoftheless had a great tour. Once leaving the har…
2020.03.14 カメ大学
アロハ、 Today we had guests from the United States and Japan. Once leaving kewalo basin harbor we spot…
2020.03.13 カメ大学
アロハ、 Todays tour had a mix of Japanese guests and US guests. Once leaving the harbor the clouds beg…
2020.03.11 カメ大学
アロハ! Today we had guests from Hong Kong, Korea, and Japan! We had beautiful weather. The ocean was …
2020.03.08 カメ大学
アロハ、 Today we had a smaller group of guests but nonoftheless everyone onboard had a good time today…
2020.03.07 カメ大学
アロハ、 Today we had a smaller group of guests onboard but all had a good time. Although the wind was …
2020.03.06 カメ大学
アロハ〜 Hello! Today the weather was a little rainy in the morning but it cleared up nicely. The water…
2020.03.05 カメ大学
アロハ〜 Today the weather was a little cooler than it was yesterday. We were so lucky to see dolphins …
2020.03.04 カメ大学
アロハ! Today we had guests from Japan and from Wisconsin! The weather was very nice and not too windy…
2020.03.03 カメ大学
アロハ、 Today we had a total of 16 guests who were from Japan and Canada. Once leaving the harbor we s…
2020.03.03 カメ大学
アロハ、 Today we had a total of 16 guests who were from Japan and Canada. Once leaving the harbor we s…
アロハ Today we had only 8 guest but all of them had a great time. After leaving Kewalo Basin Harbor w…
2020.02.28 カメ大学
アロハ! Today we had 19 guests all from Japan. We had two couples on their honeymoon! The weather was …
2020.02.27 カメ大学
アロハ! Today we had 20 guests on board from Colorado and from Japan. It was our Colorado guests' …